Simple Tuition Solutions Info

Step by Step

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Saint Nicholas Catholic School & The Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown have partnered with Simple Tuition Solutions (STS) to Determine Eligibility for Tuition Assistance for the 2023-2024 school year.

To complete the STS Financial Aid Application, please follow these 6 simple steps:

  1. Click on the unique link specific to Saint Nicholas (Northern Cambria): you happen to land on a page that asks you to enter a School or Scholarship Organization Code, you want to enter code: 20453
  2. If you do not already have an account with STS, you want to click on the Orange Button “Create a new account.” **If you already have an account with STS, click “Sign In,” and enter your previously created login and password. **
  3. Create your account.
  4. Upon creation of your account, you will be sent to a page that will allow you to “Start a new Application.” Be sure you are selecting the proper School year you are seeking assistance for.
  5. The Application Process if 8 steps counting the payment step, each step will save as you advance to the next step. You can use the 8-step tool bar across the top of the page to toggle back to a previous step and make any necessary edits. However, please note, once you complete the payment ($25.00) on step 8 of the application process it will lock the application from all editing. At this point, if any changes would need to be made to the submitting application, you can gladly contact STS at
  6. After completion of the payment process you will be advised as to which financial documents you need to provide STS. You will also be sent an email that outlines what you need to provide as well as introduce you to the application processor that will be handling the review of your application. Please Note: You can simply scan or take a photo of your financial document and upload them into STS’s system using STS’s convenient upload feature. This is the fastest way to provide STS with your required financial documentation. However, you can also mail the signed copies of your financial documents to STS to the following P.O. Box address:

    Simple Tuition Solutions, LLC
    P.O. Box 779
    Camp Hill, PA 17001

Finally, once STS has received all the required financial documentation from you, STS’s application processors will verify data and review your entire application per Pennsylvania State Law to determine your eligibility for any state programs. You will be notified directly via email upon the completion of this verification/review process. In addition, the results will also be available to your School, or any Scholarship Organization associated with the scholarship. It is important to note that STS is only contracted to handle the verification and eligibility determination, therefore, DOES NOT have any input, control, or insight into scholarship amounts or when they may be awarded.

Simple Tuition Solutions Guidelines

Pennsylvania residents are eligible for scholarships for their children based on the following household income criteria.

Household income: $105,183 plus $18,514 for each qualifying dependent in the family in 2023-2024.

For example:

A family with one qualifying dependent must have an income below $127,532
($108,444 + $19,088 = $127,532)

A family with two qualifying dependents must have an income below $146,620
($108,444 + $19,088 + $19,088 = $146,620)

A family with three qualifying dependents must have an income below $160,725
($108,444 + $19,088 + $19,088 + $19,088 = $165,708)

An eligible student is a school student, including an eligible student with a disability, who is a resident of Pennsylvania, who is enrolled in a school located in this commonwealth and who is a member of a household with an annual household income of not more than $105,183 except that an additional allowance of $18,514 is permitted for the student and for each other dependent (as defined by the IRS) living within the same household.

To be considered an eligible student with a disability, a student must meet the following criteria:

  1. Is either enrolled in a special education school or as otherwise been identified as a “child with a disability” as defined in Title 34 CFR Ꞩ300.8;
  2. Needs special education and related services;
  3. Is enrolled in a school, and
  4. Is a member of a household that does not exceed the maximum annual household income.

“School age” ranges from the earliest admission age for a school’s kindergarten program (or if the school has no kindergarten program, the earliest age at which the student may begin school), through the age attained upon graduation from secondary school or 21 years of age, whichever occurs first.

With respect to an eligible student with a disability, multiply the sum of $108,444 plus the allowance(s) of $19,088 per student and dependent, by the support level factor of 1.50 if the student is not enrolled in a special education school or by the support level factor of 2.993 if the student is enrolled as a student in a special education school.

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