Welcome to St. Nicholas Catholic School!

We’re so happy that you’ve decided to enroll, and we’ve made it as easy as possible for new students to join our classes. Here, you’ll find instructions on how to apply through our Power School software. If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to Angela Paronish by emailing aparonish@stncs.org.

Directions For New Students

Here you’ll find the directions to complete the online application process; you can download the PDF/printable version here. Click the button below to open the application in a new tab to follow along with the guide.

Necessary Documents For Registration

Birth & Baptismal Certificates

Please provide the school with a copy of birth and baptismal certificates. These can be dropped off during school/office hours or emailed to Mrs. Burba (tburba@stncs.org) or Mrs. Paronish (aparonish@stncs.org).

$50 Registration Fee

Send in or drop off a $50 registration fee. One registration fee per family. Checks can be made payable to “St.NCS”.

Nurse's Forms

The following nurses’ forms must be completed and turned into the school. These all can be found under the nurse’s office tab:

  • Physical Exam Form
  • School Dental Form
  • Required Immunizations (Immunization Record)

Transportation Planning Form

Please download, complete, and return our Parochial Transportation Planning form. Click the button below to download.

Pickup Authorization

Please download, complete, and return our Pickup Authorization form. Click the button below to download.

Facebook Authorization

Please download, complete, and return our Facebook Authorization form. Click the button below to download.

Simple Tuition Solutions

Please complete this registration form online. You can find the website under the Parent’s tab. The directions can also be found under the STS Info tab under the Parent’s tab.

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